TableTop Exercise Based on Various Crisis 

Crisis TableTop Exercise

Tabletop exercises, one of the most talked-about ways to challenge and examine pandemic plans, can sharpen group problem-solving under pressure and elevate your company’s preparedness—provided you properly design, carefully conduct, fully evaluate, and actually use the results of your test.

We run TableTop Exercises to test your preparedness under different Crisis situations….

Any plan alone is not sufficient to guarantee organizations can overcome unforeseen circumstances. Various techniques should be tried, modified to cover basic weaknesses and tried once more in order to find and fix if any gaps or scope of improvement is observed. Conducting a Tabletop Exercise situation can help train staff, raise their levels of consciousness of the system and processes and confirm their abilities to convey, react and recuperate from different occasions. 


Run up to Simulation

First step would be to have a Meetings with the respective teams to build up the scenraio


On the D-day

Second step be run the exercises by announcing the different crisis situation with multiple injects



Post exercise there will be Gap analysis report so as to make team undertdn the improvement areas.

Our Tabletop Exercises can be customized to your particular industry, geography, facilities, and members to focus on the correspondence, reaction and recuperation skills you need to handle specific situation


Simulating real-life, participants in this interactive workshop react to crisis situations as these unfold, experience first-hand the challenges of Emergency Response and gain an appreciation of the critical need for proactive and predictive planning, exercising and maintaining the currency of plans


Audit your preparedness and Examine the real risk exposure posed


Understand the impact of crisis and make sufficient changes to the exiting plans to comply with regulatory requirements


Encapsulates the learning and improvements and helps the participants to ensure effective implementation

Idea of a SCeNARIO:

These are some of the scenarios we typically consider with other multiple injects to make exercises touch each and every important aspect of the plan.

Key people who are required to participate:

  • Cyber Security Team
  • Disaster Assessment & Recovery Team
  • Business Continuity Team
  • Human Resources
  • Admin & Finance Team
  • Facilities Management Team
  • Legal / Risk / Compliance Team

Cyber Attack


Loss of Intellectual property or Trade secrets


Social Engineering resulting in high profile customer data leakage


Pendamic Attack


DDoS attack on primary site


Disaster Recovery


Earthquake followed by fire – pure physical level disaster


Fraudulent emails are coming from your email domain


Malware Attack


Power Failure


Social Media Crisis


A fire occurred in one of your data  centre